5. - Think Twice For the Love of Fast Food
among you love to eat fast food? Our school’s next door neighbor is a fast food
restaurant, so I'm pretty sure my block mates eat fast food. Now what would you
say if I told you that eating fast food is bad for your health? Here are some
shocking revelations about eating fast food.... dun dun dun!
off, let us define what fast food is. Fast food is food from a take-out
restaurant that is cheap, convenient, and served fast. These food are highly
processed and contains large amounts of carbohydrates, added sugar, unhealthy
fats, and salt (sodium). This means that it contains if not few then zero
food contains a lot of carbohydrates and calories. Too much carbohydrate can
alter our natural insulin response that results to a spike in blood sugar.
Frequent spikes in blood sugar may lead to type II diabetes and insulin
resistance. Trans fat is also often found in fast food. This may also lead to
development of type II diabetes and raises cholesterol levels.
too much fast food can lead to obesity. What is obesity? Obesity is the
condition of being overweight. It is a medical condition in which accumulated
excess fats lead to health problems. Some examples of these health problems are
high blood pressure, heart diseases, and stroke.
food messes with our heads. Other ingredients found in fast food are processed
meat, nitrates, salt, and MSG. When these ingredients enter our system, it can
cause headaches. Studies also show that the more fast food one consumes, the
more likely they are to develop depression.
fast food can alter our physical appearances. I'm not just talking about weight
gain. Did you know that it causes acne breakout? Carbs are the real culprits
behind acne not greasy food (but I'm not saying that greasy food is good for
you). As we said earlier, fast food contains a large amount of salt or sodium. Sodium
in our body retains water; hence, we appear puffy and become bloated when there
is too much sodium in our body.
all that being said, would you still eat fast food? Why put your body and mind
through all of that pain and hardship? Keep in mind what I've shared with you
when you're out for your lunch break. Remember that fast food can lead to the
development of diabetes, obesity, depression, and alteration of our physical
appearance. Most of all, remember to live a healthy lifestyle.
This really made me think about fast food, because as a dormer, I have no other choice but to eat in Jollibee and canned foods that is so full of preservatives. Thank you for letting me know Kate! Great blog post!