13. - An Eventful Week

This week was action packed. Well, for it me it wasn't. Most of my weeks are typically robotic and of routine, but not this recent one.

It started like a typical boring school week. I studied for a quiz on Monday. Wrote down notes during Algebra. I racked my brain for some meaningful essays and blog on Tuesday. It wan't until Wednesday when things got interesting.

Last Wednesday, we were given the entire period of our PUBSPE1 for our speech choir practice. The entire four - hour period was used. Our leader asked if I could deliver a line that required me to shout... Of course, my block mates laughed. A friend of mine said that I sounded like a bunny trying to roar like a dragon. Another, block mate said I was like a rat trying to scream. I wasn't sure whether to laugh or give someone a high five- to the face- with a chair (just kidding). Though I appreciate the likeness to a cute and sweet animal like a bunny.

Thursday was more eventful. During the morning, we had our job mock interview for our TechWrit class. Being the charmer I was (NOT), I tried to get away with my interview by extravagantly lying. At first, my prof was rocking a poker face. Eventually, he was giggling and laughing cause of my ridiculous lies and answers.

Later on that day, I was stranded at school. You would not believe how happy I was when our last teacher for the day announced that he was granting us an early dismissal. As I stepped onto the school's lobby, I was buffeted by the wind. Apparently, the oncoming storm was wrecking havoc. There was a blockbuster line for the shuttle waiting for us. I called my grandfather and asked if he could fetch me from school. He said I should wait for him because my grandmother was still in an office meeting. I offered to take my chances and commute instead but they forbade me from doing so. They said that I wouldn't be able to get a jeep. I waited for over 2 hours in our school's cafeteria. I decided to take advantage of the opportunity. I decided to harass my two remaining block mates. Shortly after 7pm, my grandparents had arrived.

We opted to use the skyway route. As we were driving, we saw flames. There air was thick of smoke
and we saw bright red flames reaching out to the sky. Apparently, a nearby area from our village was burning. The fire started at around 5pm. We decided to stop by the grocery and kill time while waiting for the traffic to clear out. We headed home at around 9:30 pm. 3 vanguards of fire trucks, police cars, and ambulances passed us. We couldn't believe that the fire was still not contained. Eventually, the fire was contained after five hours.

This week left an impression on me. It left me thinking how fortunate I was to have a roof over my head unlike the families affected by the fire. I got called a bunny and a rat. Lastly, I made someone laugh.


  1. (Commenting to 15 Random People and You are One of the 15. ^__^ )

    For Wednesday, just do what you want to do and disregard all those people who trampled upon your desired action. For Thursday, maybe most of us had made our professor to do his poker face thing and later on laugh because of our Miss Universe-like-answers. For Thursday later on, you could just pray for the safety of those family and maybe you could help them through donation.

  2. A high five with a chair to the face? It must be really painful. Good thing, you had decided to obey your parents' order. May God help those who lost their shelters.


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