14. - Taking I.T. Back

It was in the year 1997 that the School of Computer Science and Information Technology (SoCSIT) was established in Asia Pacific College (APC). To commemorate this historic event, APC celebrates SoCSIT week every year.

To give you a heads up, this is my freshman year at Asia Pacific College. This was my first time to experience SoCSIT week. I had high hopes for this event and I was so excited.

We had our opening ceremony at the school parking lot on Tuesday. The idea of standing for 2 hours at the parking lot under the heat of the afternoon sun was not appealing to me. But being good sports, we all lined up at the parking lot. We were dressed in our 90's attire. We, the freshmen, were asked to parade around the parking lot in our costumes and with our banner. By this point, we were all sweating like crazy. But in the end, it was all worth it. We were treated to a performance from APC DC. We also had the chance to see the candidates of Mr. & Ms. APC strut their beauty.

The next event we had was the 30 Seconds of Fame or Shame on Wednesday night. I was really nervous. I opted to participate in a group rather than to perform solo. So basically, if you get famed by the judges, well then good for you. If you were shamed by the judges, you had to face the consequence. Th consequence was to drink a mixture of milk, pepper, coke (I think), and some burn residues of food. We performed our rendition on The Vamp's' Can We Dance? As you might have guessed, we were shamed. However, I did not drink the mixture because I am lactose intolerant. It was an opportunity I was willing to pass. A few of the people said that it actually tasted good or that it wasn't so bad while the majority chugged it in disgust.

To summarize my first SoCSIT week, it was pretty awesome. Sure we were sweating under the heat of the sun. Sure we were humiliated in our 30 seconds, but it was a way of welcoming us to SoCSIT. A way of letting us know we were now part of the community. We made a lot of memories and that made it all worth it.


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